Organized by Tobacco Control Office China CDC, National Cancer Center (NCC) Korea, Quit Victoria, and National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- Aim and objectives:
To promote advanced Quitline services among quitlines in the Asia Pacific Region to provide cessation support to smokers
- To share monitoring and evaluating experience among quitlines in this region;
- To improve reporting and researching capacity for the quitlines;
- To help quitline develop their own monitoring plan
- Participants
35 participants from Australia, Brunei, People’s Republic of China, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, and USA
- Faculties
The conference will involve countries and areas that have pioneered Quitlines. The experts from related institutes included :
- 1. Qi Shi (Chief, Division of Health Promotion, Dep. of Communications, NHFPCm China)
- 2. Jintana,Yunibhand (Chair, Asia Pacific Quitline Network; Director, Thailand National Quitline)
- 3. Dongbo Fu (Technical Officer, WHO, Geneva)
- 4. Ken Wassum (Alere Wellbeing Inc., USA
- 5. Pei-Ting Hsu (Counselor, Taiwan Smokers’ Helpline)
- 6. Min Kyung Lim (Nationwide Quitline, NCC, Republic of Korea)
- 7. Luke Atkin (Quit Victoria, Australia)
- 8. Noorizan binti Haji Idris (Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam)
- 9. Yumiko Mochizuki (National Cancer Center, Japan)
- 10. Gupta Rakesh (Rajasthan Cancer Foundation & Volunteer, Pehal, the State medical Information Helpline, Jaipur, India)
- 11. Ying Cui (National Management Center for 12320 Public Health Hotline, China)
- 12. Dan Xiao (Quitline China-Japan Friendship Hospital, China)
- 13. Chih-Cheng Hsu (National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan)
- 14. Shu-Hong Zhu (Professor, University of California at San Diego, US)
- 15. Tim McAfee (Senior Medical Officer, Office on Smoking and Health, US CDC)
- 16. Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin (University of Malaysia, Malaysia)
- 17. Nay Soe Maung (University of Public Health Yangon, Myanmar)
- 18. Florante E Trinidad (WHO Office of the Representative in the Philippines)
- Host and Sponsor
Tobacco Control Office China CDC, WHO, NCC, Quit Victoria, and NCI
- Venue
Jianguo Hotel: No.439 Caoxi North Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200030, China, (86)21-6439 9299, www.jianguo.com
- Offical Language: English