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Promoting evidence based quiline services across diverse communities in korea

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homeMembers servicesJoin APQNFAQ
  • Question1 What is a Quitline?
    A Quitline is defined as a service that offers telephone support for smoking cessation. This may involve giving: Information, Advice, Counselling. 
  • Question2 Who are the Quitlines targetted at?
    Everyone. It is aimed at the general population in the first instance, but then can target specific groups with bespoke services for : pregnant smokers, youth, other vulnerable groups.
  • Question3 Do the Quitlines work?
    Quitlines are clinically and cost effective in smoking cessation and as a public health intervention. Evidence base in a number of public health and clinical journals show that Quitlines have broad advantages. 
  • Question4 What is APQN?
    APQN is Asian Pacific Quitline Network. If you want to know more, click "About APQN."
  • Question5 Who is this Website targetted at?
    Everyone who is interested in Quitlines or smoking cessation.
  • Question6 How to use this Website?
    We open this Website for sharing knowledge and information. If you look through it and know about Quitlines and smoking cessation, we would be pleased.