Quitline around the world
About QuitlinesQuitline around the world
State of Victoria, Australia
- Quitline: Quitline Victoria
- Phone No
- Line 1: 13 7848 (13 QUIT) used in social marketing
- Line 2: 131 848 (Number on cigarette packs)
- Languages: English (although about to pilot three non English services)
- Hours of Operation
- Open: Mon ~ Fri 08:00 ~ 20:00
- Closed on weekend and some Public Holidays
- Live pick up of incoming calls: 24 hours 7 days per week, by third party call handling service
- Website: http://www.quit.org.au/ways-to-quit/call-the-quitline.aspx
Hong Kong SAR, China
- Quitline: Hotline
- Phone No: 1833 183
- Languages: Cantonese/ English/ Mandarin
- Hours of Operation
- Open: Mon ~ Fri 09:00~17~45
- Closed on weekend and a legal holiday
- Website: www.tco.gov.hk
Republic of Korea
- Quitline: Quitline
- Phone No: 1544-9030
- Langauage: Korean
- Hours of Operation
- Open: Mon ~ Fri 09:00 ~ 20:00
- Closed on weekend and a legal holiday
- Website: NA
New Zealand
- Quitline: Quitline New Zealand
- Phone No: 0800 778 778
- Language: English/ M?ori/ Tongan/ Samoan
- Hours of Operation
- Open: every day except for Saturday, from 8.00am to 9.30pm including some public holidays
- Closed on Saturday
- Website: www.quit.org.nz
- Quitline: Taiwan Smokers’ Helpline
- Phone No: 1 886-0800636363
- Laguage: Mandarin/ Taiwanese/ Hakka/ English
- Hours of Operation
- Open: Mon ~ Sat 09:00 ~ 21:00
- Closed on Sunday
- Website: http://www.tsh.org.tw
- Quitline: Thailand National Quitline
- Phone No: 1600
- Language: Thai
- Standard Hours of Operation
- Open: Mon ~ Fri 07:30 ~ 20:00
- Closed on weekend and public holidays
- Website: http://thailandquitline.or.th
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
- Quitline: Health Information Helpline
- Phone No: 104
- Laguage: Hindi
- Hours of Operation
- Open: All seven days 07:00- 21:00
- Live pick up of incoming calls: All seven days 07:00- 21:00
- Website: http://www.hmri.in/our-solutions/health-information-helpline.html
- Beijing 12320 Hotline cessation service
- Phone No: 400-888-5531; 010-12320.
- Language: Mandarin
- Standard Hours of Operation
- Open: Mon ~ Fri 08:00 ~ 18:00
- Closed on weekend and a legal holiday
- Live pick up of incoming calls: Mon ~ Fri 08:00 ~ 18:00
- Automatic sound response opens 24 hours per day
- Website: NA
United States
- Quitline: Asian Smokers’ Quitline (ASQ)
- Phone No
- Chinese Language Quitline (Mandarin/Cantonese): 1-800-838-8917
- Korean Smoking Cessation Center: 1-800-556-5564
- Quit Smoking Center for Vietnamese People: 1-800-778-8440
- Languages: Mandarin/Cantonese/Korean/Vietnamese
- Hours of Operation
- Open: Mon ~ Fri 07:00 ~ 21:00, Pacific Time
- Closed on weekend and some public Holidays
- Website: www.asiansmokersquitline.org