- “Exploring Quitlines: Exploration of Quitlines in the Asia Pacific Region to Better Serve Smokers”
Organized by Asia Pacific Quitline Network, Tobacco Control Office China CDC and World Health Organization (WHO)
25th~26th October, 2014, Beijing, China
- Aim and objectives:
To promote advanced Quitline services among quitlines in the Asia Pacific Region to provide cessation support to smokers
- To share the efforts of quitlines in explring better approach to improve and expand cessation service;
- To help smoke-free cities in the Asia Pacific Region to improve their cessation service;
- To develop networking and explore opportunities for research project to maximize Quiline in providing cessation support to Asian Pacific smokers
- Participants
Quitline providers in 15 countries in Asian Pacific Quitline Network: Australia, Brunei, People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand,
- Faculties
The conference will involve countries and areas that have pioneered Quitlines. The experts from related institutes included:
- 1. Doris Wang (Director, Office of international Coorperation, China CDC, China)
- 2. Dongbo Fu (Technical Officer, WHO, Geneva)
- 3. Qi Shi (Chief, Division of Health Promotion, Dep. of Communications, NHFPCm China)
- 4. Jintana,Yunibhand (Chair, Asia Pacific Quitline Network)
- 5. Xiaofent Liang (Deputy Director General, China CDD, China)
- 6. Mina Kashiwabara (TFI, Who WPRO)
- 7. April Roeseler (CDPH, USA)
- 8. Erik Augustson (NCI_TC, USA)
- 9. Sho-Hong Zhu (UCSD, USA)
- 10. Min Kyung Lim (Nationwide Quitline, NCC, Republic of Korea)
- 11. Ken Wassum (Alere Wellbeing Inc., USA
- 12. Luke Atkin (Quit Victoria, Australia)
- 13. Paula Snowden (Quit Group, New Zealand)
- 14. Yuan Jiang (TCO, China CDC, China)
- Host and Sponsor
Tobacco Control Office China, APQN, and WHO
- Venue
Beijing Marriott Hotel City Hall: No.7 Jian Guo Men South Avenue, Dong Cheng District, Beijing, China. 100005, (86)10-5811-8888, www. mariottbeijingcitywall.com
- Offical Language: English